Tuesday 2 December 2014

All done... for now

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month has drawn to a close and I have raised $400 to help Bedside to Bench create a Nurse Network Program for pancreatic cancer patients and their families.

Thank you to all those who have donated to this worthy cause!

It has been a pleasure to learn about Bedside to Bench - a organisation focused on changing the way people think about, conduct and translate research. 

Participating in their 30 day TLC Challenge helped me to share my story, change a few bad habits and focus on my well-being. I have had many conversations about pancreatic cancer, it's signs and symptoms and continuing low survival rates. And I have learnt about some of the challenges faced by health and medical researchers and what is being done here in Australia and overseas to find a cure and raise awareness about pancreas disease.

One thing I know is that there could be a lot more done... but until this time next year, it's goodbye from me for now.

If you'd like to help Bedside to Bench continue their great work, you can donate directly to them at any time.