Wednesday 12 November 2014

All over the world

Thursday, November 13 is the first World Pancreatic Cancer Day and I am pleased to be flying a purple flag here in Australia.

This month I have been participating in a 30 Day TLC Challenge which has been organised by Bedside to Bench. Bedside to Bench are working to create a Pancreatic Cancer Nurse Network - please donate if you can.

Raising awareness about pancreatic cancer is important. Survival rates have not moved in 40 years and it's time we change that. It's time we make a difference to the lives of those living with this disease.

Research is happening around the world and here in Australia, a dedicated group of scientists and healthcare professionals at the Australian Pancreatic Genome Institute are working hard. Presentations are available online from the annual APGI Clinical & Scientific Symposium which was held in Sydney earlier this year.

Let's make a difference today. Let's do what we can to support pancreatic cancer patients and the scientists and healthcare workers who are working hard to find answers.

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