Sunday 16 November 2014

Week 3 Check-ups

The focus for week 3 is all about check-ups and screenings that we need to have to prevent illness and disease.

Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise is just one way to reduce risk, but wait, there's more! Check-ups are important too.... when was the last time you had a check-up?

This week, I have been asked to think about about my family medical history and identify what risk factors I have in my life.

Some questions I was sent to consider include:

  • Where there any people in my family that are diagnosed with a specific disease earlier than normal?
  • Does more than one relative have the same disease or disorder?
  • Does a certain type of disease affect certain genders in my family?
  • Are there any trends where there are groups of diseases that are common in my family?

So I'm off to the doc to make sure I'm up-to-date with my check-ups.

It's also a timely reminder that I need to be more mindful when it comes to aches and pains and not to dismiss these if they continue.

Have a think about your risk factors.... 

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