Tuesday 11 November 2014

Recommitting to my week 2 challenge

My 30 Day TLC Challenge for week 2 has been to slow down and be present while I eat.

Not off to a good start. I skipped lunch on Monday and then rushed from work to the train to make school pick-up in time while shovelling down a couple of pieces of sushi... with mayonnaise.

Ok, I can do this... why is this important?

Bedside to Bench tell me that the process of digestion is so much more than just what goes on inside your stomach and your intestines. In their support material for this week they said
'There is great benefit in paying attention to the process of eating as you are more likely to make healthier choices and if you do indulge, you are less likely to consume large portions'.
As the week progresses, I find myself having to recommit to this challenge... slow down while I eat. Ok, got it. Going to try again.

So... for the rest of my challenge I'm going to:
  • commit to eating foods that give me energy and make me feel good
  • eat foods that taste good
  • eat foods that are nourishing and that I enjoy
  • reduce packaged and processed foods and drink more water!

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