Wednesday 5 November 2014

At home and work

As the first few days of my challenge ticked over I found myself thinking more about what it really means to look after myself... at home and at work.

I'm a human resources practitioner so helping people to look after themselves at work is important. 

Last week I went to a session about managing the risks of psychosocial safety. What’s psychosocial safety? It was defined at the session as ‘health and safety risks that arise from an individual’s interaction with their social environment’.

I learnt a bit about hazards which included bullying, violence and aggression, fatigue, remote and isolated work, and work-related mental stress. Then we were shown some of the impacts... not good. They included a range of psychological and physical illnesses, and listed some social problems such as relationship breakdown.

Now, back to home…

Yes, I have added to the list of things I'm concentrating on this month as part of my 30 day TLC Challenge. They are just some little things that I’d like to change in my habits, or do more or less of. Things that will make a difference to me – no one else, just me.

This challenge is about doing something. It doesn't need to be a big something. Chances are that if you just do something, you'll think about it more and perhaps do something else too.

Have you been thinking about what you can do to look after yourself a little better?

Choose something and start now.

If you want to know more about psychosocial safety at work… take a look at WorkSafe.

If you're still thinking about what you can do, please support me as I start to make a difference. 

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