Saturday 1 November 2014

Wow, it's been a very busy week!

My story was published in our local paper and I received some pre-challenge homework...

It was great to see my story in the Northside Chronicle. I hope that by sharing something about myself, someone else will be encouraged to think more about their health and what they can do to look after themselves a little better.

And yes. I received some pre-challenge homework for my 30 Day TLC ChallengeMy task was to answer these questions:
  1. If there was one thing that I could do to improve my health, it would be….
  2. If there was one thing that I could stop doing to improve my health, it would be…
  3. This November, I will take time just for me to…
  4. The three things that I am most grateful for are…
Easy? Well, I will say this – it required some thought.

What would you say? Not easy to think of answers on the spot hey. So here goes…

No. 1 Get over hating exercise and just do it - yes, I don’t like exercising much. I am certainly not one of the people heading out the door at 5am in exercise gear and headphones.

No. 2 Drink less coffee and wine - just to be clear, I don't actually drink too much of either of these... just sayin' that I could probably drink less of these and more of something else... I do love my coffee though.

No. 3 Enjoy more of things I do like doing - not quite sure what these are yet but I think it will involve going to the opera and listening to cello music. This question kind of contradicts my No. 2 response.. more thought required.

No. 4 Easy... my husband and our gorgeous boys. Sure, there's a lot more that I'm grateful for, but these three people came to mind first.

Well, November is here. It's pancreatic cancer awareness month and I've officially started my 30 day TLC Challenge.

Look after yourself this month too :)

Please donate if you can...

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